Thank you for choosing to open and operate your business in the City of Mesquite!
Apply for, Renew, or Search for a Business License Online
Apply for, Renew, or Search for a Business License Online
Apply for, Renew, or Search for a Business License Online
Thank you for choosing to open and operate your business in the City of Mesquite! The business licensing office wishes to offer assistance with the business licensing requirements.
Any and all individuals and businesses that seek to do business in the City of Mesquite must complete a City of Mesquite Business License Application. Businesses located within the City of Mesquite limits require zoning approval and a building and fire inspection prior to the issuance of the business license. Please complete the following application to apply for a business license. For a complete list of business license fees please review Title 2, Chapter 1, Sections 12 and 13 of the Mesquite Municipal Code. The city accepts cash, check or credit card (Visa, MasterCard or Discover only) for business license payments. American Express is not an accepted payment method
Businesses located within the City of Mesquite limits, require a building and fire inspection prior to the issuance of the business license. The purpose of the inspection is to ensure the business location is in compliance with fire, building and safety codes. Please complete this application if your business location is within the City of Mesquite limits.
To change the address to your business license, mailing address or name change; please complete the following application. (Zoning approval is required to change the location of business within the city limits, as well as a building and fire inspection. Please complete the Certificate of Occupancy application for the building and fire inspection.)
Please complete the following applications if you wish to apply for a Gaming or Liquor License. Please provide the Privileged License Background Application with the license application. These types of licenses require City Council approval.
Pawnshops and Secondhand Dealers must also complete a separate license and background application.
Peddlers, Solicitors and Temporary Merchants also require a separate license background application.
To apply for a Special Event, Market Event or Film Permit, please complete the applicable applications listed below. Please submit the Special Event Application and all required information to the Business Licensing Department no later than 30 days prior to the scheduled event to allow adequate time for various City Departments to review the details of the permit. For Market Event Permits, please submit the application and all the required information at least three business days prior to the event. For Film Permits, please submit the application and all the required information to the Business Licensing Department seven days prior to filming.
Those individuals that wish to rent out their home for fewer than 27 consecutive days must apply for a Vacation Home Rental Business License. Please complete the following application to apply for the business license.
Every owner/operator of a vacation home/transient lodging business shall, in addition to any other license tax, pay room tax as required by the Business License Ordinance, Chapter 2 Taxes, Article A. Room Tax. Payment shall be paid to the city on the first day of the month and is delinquent after the tenth of the month. Tax is due on the total rental charge, which includes any amounts required to be paid by the occupant as a condition of the use or occupancy of the accommodation.
Please contact the business license office if you have any questions or concerns regarding renewing a business license. Business license renewals can be mailed, paid in person, paid over the phone or paid through the online portal. Details for online portal renewal payments can be found on the business license renewal notice.
10 E Mesquite Blvd Mesquite NV 89027
Monday - Friday 8am - 5pm