Planning and Zoning

Learn about how Planning and Zoning guides the City's long term growth

What Does the Planning Division Do?

The Mesquite Planning Division engages citizens in an ongoing dialogue about Mesquite’s future and plays a central role in guiding the long-term development of the built and natural environment.  It is comprised of staff, who evaluate the built environment, monitor and update the City’s Master Plan, ensure compliance with the Planning and Zoning codes, and draft land use policy.  The division also includes staff who guide and participate in planning for environmental resources in the valley.The Planning Division’s principal activities are:

Processing of Zoning Applications.Development and maintenance of the Master Plan.Reviewing of private development projects and other physical projects involving City property for consistency and conformity with the Master Plan, as well as, Planning Codes.Serving as an information center, in order to assist citizens in understanding and applying to their project proposals, the policies of the Master Plan and provisions of the Planning Code.Anticipating and acting on the need for new plans, policies, and Planning Code changes.Applying the approved plans, policies, Planning Code and other regulations to proposed land use.Applying the Planning Code and applicable sections of the Administrative Code to applications for permits.Respond to Code Enforcement Complaint Forms for potential Planning Code Violations and initiate fair and unbiased enforcement action to correct those violations and educate property owners to maintain code compliance.

The Division is administered in a manner designed to fulfill the objectives of the Master Plan, provide applicants with efficient permit processing services and provided citizens appropriate opportunities to participate in land use decisions.

What is Planning?

  • Planning helps guide how a community grows and develops.  Planning considers the needs of all residents, looks at the big picture, and examines issues from all angles (social, environmental, hazard, physical).
  • Planning gives you choices.  Where you want to live….How you want to commute….The type of house you live in….Where you play or spend your leisure time
  • Planning benefits your community.  Maintains neighborhood character….Reduces environmental impacts….Provides protection from natural and man-made disasters….Preserves parks and open space….Helps determine where buildings, businesses, homes, and roads will be located (or sited).
  • Planning’s primary obligation is to serve the public interest.  In so doing, we take the long-view, we consider the long-range consequences of a given course of action.  Strive to represent those who have no voice (children, elderly, minorities, future owners/tenants  etc.)
  • Planning pays particular attention to the “public realm,” the streets, sidewalks, open spaces, and parks, so they are accessible and can be used by all safely.

Forms and Documents

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Past Work




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Frequently Asked Questions

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