Voting for the primary election in Mesquite 2024. June 11, from 7 am to 7 pm
Voting for the primary election in Mesquite on June 11, 2024 will be at the Jimmie Hughes Campus, 150 N. Yucca St, Suite 1, Mesquite, NV. and at the Sun City Pioneer Center, 1350 Flat Top Mesa Dr., Mesquite, NV
Voting hours: 7:00 am to 7:00 pm.
For the primary election you can either mail In your ballot or you can vote in person.
You may also drop your mail-in ballots in the drop box located in the lobby of City Hall during business hours up until 11:30 am on Friday, June 7th.
Links to the 2024 Primary Election results, available after all statewide voting has finished after 7pm this evening, can be found below. Updates are typically made several times over the course of the night and then daily until all mail ballots eligible to be accepted have been read. We will also have these links available on the City of Henderson website beginning today.
Clark County link, including City of Henderson contests:
Nevada Secretary of State link for statewide results: