
The Mesquite Police Department provides police services to the citizens of Mesquite and our guests.

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Mesquite Police Department

The Mesquite Police Department provides police services to the citizens of Mesquite and our guests.

  • Services are provided 24 hours a day by professional police officers and personnel.

Mission Statement

  • The mission of the Mesquite Police Department is to safeguard the lives, property, and constitutional rights of all; while effectively providing proactive services with professionalism, honor and integrity.

Welcome to the Mesquite Police Department’s official website! On behalf of our dedicated team, I extend a warm welcome to residents and visitors who seek information about our department.

Here in Mesquite, we take great pride in being consistently ranked as one of the safest cities in Nevada. This achievement is a testament to the unwavering commitment of our officers and staff, as well as the support and cooperation of our community.

At the Mesquite Police Department, we operate under four pillars of success: Professionalism, Public Relations, Proactive Policing, and Accountability. These pillars serve as guiding principles, ensuring that we maintain the highest standards of law enforcement while fostering positive relationships with the community and visitors we serve.

Our department is comprised of multiple integral divisions, each playing a vital role in upholding public safety and preserving the harmony of our city: Patrol, Investigations, Corrections, Inmate Transport, Bailiff, Animal Control Division, Records, Evidence, Victim Advocacy, and Communications Dispatch. In total the Mesquite Police Department is comprised of 65 fulltime highly trained police employees, 45 police volunteers, and 42 animal shelter volunteers.

On this website, you will find valuable resources, crime prevention tips, community relations programs, and information about our services. I encourage you to explore and utilize these resources to stay informed and actively participate in the safety of our community.

I am immensely proud to serve as the Chief of the Mesquite Police Department, alongside a team of exceptional officers and staff. Thank you for visiting our website. Together, we will continue to ensure that Mesquite remains a safe and thriving city for all.

Forms and Documents

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695 Mayan Circle

Mesquite NV 89027

Non Emergency: (702) 346-6911

business Hours


Monday: 8:00am - 4:00pm

Tuesday: 8:00am - 4:00pm

Wednesday: 8:00am - Noon

Thursday: 8:00am - 4:00pm

Friday: 8:00am - 4:00pm

Saturday - Sunday: Closed

Fingerprint Hours

Tuesday: 6:30am -7:00am (CCSD Staff ONLY)

Tuesday: 10:00am - Noon

Thursday: Noon - 2:00pm

Parent department
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Past Work




Quinn Averett


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Deputy Chief Quinn Averett began his career in public safety in 2003 with the Iron County, Utah Sheriff's Office as a Deputy Sheriff. In 2012, Deputy Chief Averett was hired by the Mesquite Police Department. He is blessed to have held many responsibilities and leadership roles during his law enforcement career. Those responsibilities include; K9 handler with both a patrol and drug dog, airplane pilot conducting search and rescue operations, drug interdiction operations, and prisoner transports, Drug Recognition Expert (DRE), SWAT Operator, SWAT Team Leader, Advanced Accident Investigator, Spillman Records Management Administrator, Public Information Officer (PIO), Officer in Charge (OIC), Patrol Sergeant, Patrol Lieutenant, Captain and currently as Deputy Chief.

Deputy Chief Averett graduated from Utah Valley University with a Bachelor of Science in Emergency Services Administration with an emphasis in Emergency Management. His current responsibilities within the Mesquite Police Department include overseeing the corrections facility, records, evidence, and victim services division, emergency communications/dispatch division, and public information office. Deputy Chief Averett also manages the police department's policy and procedure manuals, records management, and computer-aided dispatch systems. Deputy Chief Averett strongly believes in the value of Community Oriented Policing while fostering a strong relationship between all police employees, community members, and local businesses.


Jordan Bundy


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Captain Jordan Bundy began his law enforcement profession in 2006 with the St. George, Utah Police Department. In 2009 he was hired as a Nevada police officer with the North Las Vegas Police Department. Captain Bundy was fortunate enough to be hired as a lateral police officer with the Mesquite, Nevada Police Department in 2011. Upon beginning his career with the Mesquite Police Department he utilized his training and experiences to learn from and lead those he works with.

Captain Bundy has held numerous positions of responsibility within the Mesquite Police Department including; Officer In Charge, Field Training Officer, Field Training Coordinator, Recruiter, Background Investigator, SWAT team operator/breacher, Narcotics Detective, Patrol Sergeant, Patrol Lieutenant, Investigations Lieutenant, and Corrections Lieutenant. 

Captain Bundy is a graduate of Weber State University with a bachelor’s degree in Criminal Justice and Spanish. Captain Bundy manages the Patrol Division, Investigations Division, and the Mesquite Detention Center. Captain Bundy’s vision and goals in law enforcement are driven with a desire and belief of providing proactive policing measures in order to serve the citizens of Mesquite at the highest level. Captain Bundy believes this proactive approach to law enforcement is expected by every officer and these expectations should be completed with professionalism and integrity.


Frequently Asked Questions


What is a Crosswalk?

Crosswalks are considered part of the roadway used to channel pedestrian traffic safely across the roadway. Crosswalks can be both marked and unmarked. Nevada Revised Statute (NRS) 484A.065 defines a crosswalk to mean:

Nevada Revised Statute (NRS) 484A.065 defines a crosswalk to mean: “1. That part of a highway at an intersection included within the connections of the lateral lines of the sidewalks on opposite sides of the highway measured from the curbs or, in the absence of curbs, from the edges of the traveled portions of highways; or 2. Any portion of a highway at an intersection or elsewhere distinctly indicated for pedestrian crossing by lines or other markings on the surface.”

(NRS 484A.095 defines any public road as a highway.) Accordingly, a legal crosswalk exists at all public street intersections whether marked or unmarked. However, the only way a crosswalk can exist at a mid-block location is if it is marked. The City of Mesquite uses the “bar pattern to mark crosswalks in accordance with the Manual of Uniform Traffic Control Devices (MUTCD), latest edition.


How are Crosswalks used?

At marked and unmarked crosswalks, motorists must yield the right-of-way to pedestrians that are in the crosswalk when the pedestrian is upon the same half of the roadway the motorist is on (NRS 484B.283). Crosswalks are marked to define the location where pedestrians can legally cross and to delineate the pedestrian path crossing the road. Pedestrian crossing safety relies on the judgement exercised by pedestrians and drivers; therefore, educating pedestrians and drivers is essential in providing for a safe operation.


When should I call 9-1-1?

Call 9-1-1 if there is a threat to loss of life or property. An emergency is any situation that requires immediate assistance from Emergency Medical Services, the Police or Fire Department. Call 9-1-1 to:


In any other situation, please call the non-emergency number (702) 346-6911.


How does 9-1-1 work?

Mesquite Police Dispatchers take all of the 9-1-1 calls for the City of Mesquite. Las Vegas, Henderson, North Las Vegas, Boulder City and nearby Mohave County jurisdictions all have their own Police Departments. If you call 9-1-1 from a phone located in one of these areas, your call will be routed to the respective department’s dispatch center. Therefore, when you call 9-1-1 from a phone within Mesquite City limits, you will be talking to the Dispatchers who work at Mesquite Police Department Communications Center.  If you call 9-1-1 from Bunkerville or Overton areas, your call will be routed to Las Vegas Metro Dispatch.


Where is the Police Administrative Services Division located and what are your hours?

Administrative Services is located at the Mesquite Police Station, at 695 Mayan Circle, Mesquite Nevada.  Fingerprinting services are available on Tuesdays from 10am-12pm and Thursdays 12pm-2pm. Our phone number is (702) 346-5262. After hours, you may enter the lobby and pick up a phone on the counter to contact the Dispatchers at ext. 6911.

Hours & Other Details


How much does it cost to get copies of police reports or arrest records?

We charge $5 for a copy of a report. Fingerprint cards can be made for $10.00 a card or $15 per set. We accept cash only.


Can I get a copy of someone else’s arrest records?

Only the subject of the arrest record may get copies of their record, unless they authorize someone else specifically to obtain the records. Authorization must be written and notarized and the person authorized must have picture identification.


Can I find out if I’m wanted?

The best way to find this information is to contact the courts directly. Because we cannot verify identity over the telephone, we can’t release the information if you call. If you come to Administrative Services in person, we are required to notify an officer, and you may be arrested.


How can I find out more about my case?

The detective handling your case is the best source of information. Call the Investigative Services Division  at 702-346-5262 ext.6073 and let them know you would like to speak to the detective handling your case. If you have the case number, let them know you have the number because it’s easier to look up your case with the number.