Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy

About Privacy

  • Introduction - The city considers any information received and available through our Web site as if it were supplied in writing or through an in-person visit to our offices. We would like to clarify what is considered private and confidential in a public and open environment such as ours. The City of Mesquite does not share conact information with any third parties. Your information is collected, used, and shared internally soley for contacting you regarding City services. Please click here to use our opt in form for sms text messaging.
  • Types of Information Collected - The city may collect name, address, telephone and email information.
  • How information is collected - The city collects information via various forms available throughout this website or by signing up for city services.
  • Purpose of Data Collection - Data is collected to assist customers with account inquires and bill payment.
  • Data Security Measures - User data is protected from unauthorized access or misuse.
  • Data Sharing - Data will not be shared with third parties.
  • User rights - Customers have the right to update, access or delete their personal data.
  • Contact information - Please contact us at 702-346-5295 with any questions.

Nevada Law

Nevada Revised Statute 239.010 states that, “All public books and public records of a governmental entity, the contents of which are not otherwise declared by law to be confidential, must be open at all times during office hours to inspection by any person…” “Public records” are regarded as those records that we generate or receive and then maintain in order to conduct city business.

Confidential by Law

We protect against disclosure of all information declared by law to be confidential. This includes:

Personal medical recordsCriminal history recordsGross revenue data submitted by our business licensees to calculate the business activity taxCommunications between citizens and law offices

Also kept confidential are credit card numbers used in transactions with the City of Mesquite.


E-mail messages sent to any city of Mesquite address will be treated the same as any other written communication, and may be subject to public review. E-mail or other information requests sent to city Web sites may be maintained in order to:

Respond to the requestForward the request to the appropriate agencyCommunicate updates to the page that may be of interest to youProvide city web designers with valuable customer feedback to improve the Web site

E-mail addresses obtained as a result of a request to a city Web site shall not be sold or distributed to private companies.

Additional Questions

For additional questions or comments, please contact us.


The information contained within this site is provided as a public service by the City of Mesquite. This data is subject to change daily. The data used herein was derived from multiple sources and is not subject to independent verification. Therefore, the City of Mesquite gives no warranty, expressed or implied, as to data quality, content, accuracy, reliability, or completeness; and does not assume responsibility for the same. Links to external servers do not imply any official City of Mesquite endorsement of the opinions or ideas expressed therein, or guarantee the validity of the information provided.