Garbage & Sewer FAQs

Answers to common questions about Garbage and Sewer Services

Garbage & Sewer FAQs

Answers to common questions about Garbage and Sewer Services


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Garbage & Sewer FAQs

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There is a dumpster near my home. Can I dump my garbage in it?

No, it is unlawful for any person to throw, or cause to be thrown or deposited any garbage, rubbish or debris in the garbage receptacle of another property owner.


What Day is my Garbage Picked Up On?

Please Review the map to determine which day your garbage will get picked up.

Interactive Garbage Pickup Areas Map


How is the Fuel Surcharge Calculated?

Please review the Fuel Surcharge chart that is part of the resolution below:

Resolution No 636 - Garbage Service

Forms & Documents

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